When combating acne, making sure your skin stays moist, and generally keeping spots, scars, and oil off your face, it’s necessary to have the right tools to get the job done right. Healthy skin starts with the basics. Here are five tools you need to ensure glowing, supple skin.
Eat a Healthy Diet
You are what you eat, and what you eat is as vital as the products you apply to your skin. Improving your skin from the inside out starts with eating the right foods. Here are some suggestions:
- Mangoes: high in antioxidants, known to protect collagen
- Tomatoes: skin cancer-prevention benefits due to lycopene that protects against UV damage
- Olive oil: combats cumulative damage to the skin, such as wrinkles, dark spots and discoloration
- Cocoa flavanols: improve structure and function of skin
- Green tea: rejuvenates dying skin cells for improved healing of wounds and skin conditions
- White tea: anti-cancer and anti-aging properties
- Kale: protects against light-induced skin damage
- Omega-3: prevents dryness and scaling of skin
- Soy: improves crow’s feet
Keep Stress at Bay
Research has shown links between stress levels and skin problems, saying that those who experience high stress levels are more likely to experience skin issues like:
- Itchy skin
- Hair loss
- Oily patches on the scalp
- Over-sweating
- Scaly skin
- Hand rashes
Take steps to reduce your stress levels so you can enjoy clearer skin. Some examples of stress reduction techniques include meditation, tai chi or yoga.
Don’t Smoke
Smoking goes a long way toward aging your facial skin because it constricts the blood vessels within the outer layer. This, in turn, reduces blood flow and robs the skin of nutrients and oxygen. Smoking also reduces the natural elasticity of the skin. If you want to improve your skin and prevent wrinkles from forming, quit smoking or just never start in the first place.
Get Plenty of Rest
Getting your beauty sleep will keep dark circles from forming around your eyes, improving your skin tone. Getting between seven and nine hours a night can also help you keep obesity, diabetes and cancer at bay. During deep sleep, your body repairs and regenerates skin cells, but cannot generate new collagen if you are sleep deprived. Collagen is the elasticity that keeps your skin from sagging.
Skin moisturizers ensure that the top layer of skin cells stays hydrated, sealing in moisture. To prevent itchy, red, dry skin, always moisturize after taking a shower. Here are some more tips:
- Take one short shower or bath per day, as excessive washing strips away the oily layer of the skin, thereby drying it out.
- Use warm instead of hot water.
- Don’t use harsh soaps; instead, try fragrance-free, gentle soaps.
- Don’t use abrasive brushes.
- Pay skin dry with a towel; don’t rub vigorously.
- Use ointments or creams rather than lotions for minimal irritation.
- Use a humidifier in the winter to keep moisture in the air.
If you have a cut, burn or other type of wound, apply Scarfade as directed to prevent scarring!