Scars resulting from plastic surgery are different from other types of scars. Consequently, the way in which they fade and how they respond to treatment over time may differ as well.
While a good plastic surgeon will take measures to limit scarring, the post-operative scar management process can significantly affect the appearance of scars too. During your initial consultation, your surgeon should conduct a thorough medical history and physical exam so they can better understand the details of your health, how your health will affect results, and how those results will affect the way in which you heal from the surgery.
Of course, it will depend on the procedure you’re having but your doctor should institute a post-surgical treatment regimen to ensure the best results possible. He or she will take into consideration the fact that the tension that’s part of the body’s natural healing process is a main cause of visible scar formation.
Reducing this tension, especially right after surgery, is of paramount importance. Follow your doctor’s orders to the letter to prevent scarring. He or she may apply a clear silicone dressing to effectively reduce the tension (also known as pull) on the fresh incision. It will also stabilize and protect the scar from movement as a result of activity or clothing irritation.
After the surgical incision has closed and healing has begun, you can do some things on your own that will encourage the healing process even further.
Regular massage of the area is beneficial. You can do this with a topical gel like Scarfade that is specifically designed to minimize the effects of all kinds of scars, from cosmetic and plastic surgery scars to cuts and other injuries. Ask your doctor first, but it should be OK to start gently massaging the area daily about two weeks after surgery, placing your fingers on any areas where you can feel thick scar tissue. Use back and forth and circular motions.
Topical silicone gel is best for minimizing hypertrophic scarring (think: thick pink scars). Did you know that clinical studies reveal silicone scar gel helps the body regulate production of collagen, thus minimizing the formation of scar tissue? It can reduce plastic surgery scars when used as directed. Surgical incisions are one of the approved uses of Scarfade gel. Be sure to have a couple of tubes on hand for post-operative recovery.