Scars are your body’s way of healing itself over time. It’s an evolutionary response to injury, as your skin attempts to repair damaged tissue and replace it with healthy tissue. The severity of the scar that results will depend heavily on the depth of the wound, the type of wound, how you cared for it, and how you got it.
Some scars are flat and discolored, while others are raised, lumpy or sunken. Some cause you to itch, at least for a while, and others are red and inflamed. How long it takes you to heal will depend on scar placement on the body, as well. Joints like knees and elbows take longer to heal because you’re always flexing those joints to bend, reach, etc.
Some scars fade with time, while others are with you for life, such as severe burns or facial acne due to systemic flare-ups. It also doesn’t help if you pick at your wounds and don’t let scabs fall off on their own. This is common in children. The result is more pronounced scarring.
Scar formation happens in a variety of ways, such as:
- Injuries (falls, car accidents, etc.)
- Surgeries (open heart, C-sections)
- Burns (chemical and fire)
- Tissue inflammation
- Infections
- Acne
Even though fibrous scar tissue is comprised of the same protein (collagen) as the replacement tissue, its fiber composition differs from that of “normal” skin.” Normal tissue features a random pattern of collagen fibers, sort of like a basket weave; yet with scars, the collagen ends up cross linking to produce a more pronounced alignment in a single direction. These dysfunctions, while natural, lead to a less durable and uniform appearance from the rest of your skin.
Treating Scars
The type of scar you have and how you got it will usually dictate what kind of treatment you will need. Your dermatologist will give you advice on all options, which include:
- Laser surgery
- Steroids
- Skin grafting
- Dressings and sheets
- Cryotherapy
- Pressure treatment
- Topical gels and ointments
Standard scars won’t need invasive treatments, and can usually be treated with simple topical ointments such as Scarfade. Invasive options like surgery are a last resort once all other methods have been attempted.
Treatment will be dictated by placement of the scar, as well. More aggressive treatments may be called for when the scar is located on highly visible and prominent areas such as the face.
In the end, mild to moderate cases can be treated with silicone scar gel like Scarfade, which you would massage into the area twice a day. The silicone in Scarfade works by reducing excess collagen to keep the newly-formed collagen soft, smooth, and supple. Otherwise, if not treated and massaged daily, the scar could get firm, ropy and thick.
Scar gel slows the production of collagen to result in less incidence of scarring. Best part is, you can use this product on any kind of scar, from burns and cuts to surgical incisions and sports injuries.
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