Spring is here and summer will follow right behind it. It’s time to brush up on how to best take care of your skin and scars when allergy and beach seasons strike. The sun can do a number on your scars, so it’s important to take precautions before heading outside. Going From Cold to Warm… Read more »
Posts By: scarfader
Massage Techniques to Break Down Scar Tissue
Scar massage is a great way to help remodel scar tissue, and is a frequent treatment as part of physical therapy after injury or surgery. Also known as scar mobilization, scar massage can help lessen the appearance of any scar, but it has to be done with a high level of consistency. That’s because scar… Read more »
How Proper Wound Care Helps the Healing and Scarring Process
Healing properly after an injury or surgical incision isn’t easy. Lots of stuff is going on behind the scenes as your body kicks into high gear and tries to make everything all right again. A common side effect of all that work is a scar that forms over the initial wound. Believe it or not,… Read more »
What Are the Different Types of Scars?
Scars can vary by appearance, texture, size and severity. This variety depends on how you obtained the scar in the first place, how deep the initial wound was, whether you got treated for it (stitches), and where it occurs on your body. For instance, C-section scars will look and feel much different than acne scars…. Read more »
Ways to Reduce Scar Formation and Improve Mobility
When your body suffers an injury such as a cut or burn, a scar can form at that spot after the initial wound has healed up. The likelihood of a scar increases with the severity of the injury. Sometimes, restricted mobility at the site can result. However, there are ways to reduce scar formation and… Read more »
Minimizing Facial Scars Without Surgery
Facial scars are some of the worst kind, because they’re so visible to yourself and others. It’s hard to have high self-confidence when you’re hampered by insecurities about how you look. If you have a scar on your face, you may be wondering how you can minimize it naturally, without having to resort to invasive… Read more »
Do Burns Scar and Heal Differently?
They sure do. Compared with other types of scars, burns tend to be slower to heal and the end result looks different than a scar from a clean cut or slash. However, burn scars can still respond to treatments such as Scarfade ointment, natural remedies and more invasive treatments. It’s important to know the differences… Read more »
The Process of How Skin Heals
The body’s ability to heal is nothing short of a miracle. And when it comes to your skin, your body’s healing properties are even more amazing. Even after experiencing trauma or injury, skin can bounce back over time. It may not look exactly the same, but the healing process works its magic so that what… Read more »
Hypertrophic Scars: What They Are and How to Treat Them
Not all scars are created equal. Some are more serious and lasting than others, while some are more superficial. Hypertrophic scar are wide, thick, raised scars that develop where the skin has been injured. Scars are fairly common when a wound of any kind starts to heal, but hypertrophic scars in particular result from abnormal… Read more »
Managing Scars in the Winter
With winter not too far off, you may be getting nervous for the colder, drier air to settle in. If you have scars, you know winter can be tough on them. They may get red, itchy, or just plain uncomfortable. The key to keeping them supple is to keep them moisturized. Here’s how cooler weather… Read more »