Posts By: scarfader

Getting the Most From Your Scar Treatment Gel

If you have a recent injury, such as a cut or burn, and are concerned it may result in a scar, it’s important to take immediate action. The sooner you apply silicone scar gels like Scarfade, the better the results will be. To ensure your scar fades instead of gets worse, you should use OTC… Read more »

How Massage Therapy Can Improve the Healing of Scars

If you’ve been wondering how you might improve the appearance of your scar, you should know that massage therapy can help. Scar formation and scar maturation are on-going processes, as scars will actively change as they progress through the recovery process. This can take between 12 and 24 months.  Scar massage has been proven as… Read more »

All About Piercings

From ears to nipples and everywhere in between, people choose to have piercings for a variety of reasons. However, piercings can leave you with a scar if you decide not to wear them anymore. Let’s go over the types of piercings and how to prevent scarring.  Types of Piercings There are many types of body… Read more »

The Emotional Effects of Scarring

Scars go much deeper than the skin. They can come with traumatizing memories that are even harder to deal with than the resulting scarred skin. If you have suffered a bad scar, whether in a car accident, in a fire or even as a result of severe acne that led to bullying in school, you… Read more »

Do Wounds Heal Faster Covered or Uncovered?

It turns out, it’s a good mix of both. The first day or two of the wound, when it is still open and bleeding, proper wound treatment includes apply antibiotic ointment and covering it with a fresh, clean bandage. Leaving a very fresh wound uncovered can dry out new surface cells, which can increase pain… Read more »

How Do You Get Healthier Skin?

The sun, our environment and our eating habits can all affect the health of our skin. By making healthier choices, you can ensure you have glowing, radiant skin. Here are some tips on how you can get healthier skin. 1. Protect Skin From the Sun A lifetime of sun exposure will lead to age spots,… Read more »

Are Scars Weaker Than Unmarked Skin?

And How to Treat and Care for Skin That’s Been Scarred In short, scarred tissue is different in composition than regular skin tissue. It’s not weaker per se, it’s just, well, different. Scars are made up of a collagen matrix which doesn’t really have an equivalent amount of blood vessels or the same properties. It… Read more »

How Do You Know if Your Skin is Healthy?

…and the steps to get and keep it that way! It can be tough knowing if you’re doing a good job keeping your skin healthy. But there are certain signs that should point you in the right direction. If you don’t have to invest in a ton of products to keep your skin healthy, you… Read more »