Posts By: scarfader

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Non-Surgical Scar Removal Treatment

Have you ever done an internet search for products that help reduce scarring? If you have, you are painfully aware of the fact that there are an abundance of creams, gels, lotions and sheets on the market. One could literally spend days going through all the websites promoting products that claim to reduce scars, some… Read more »

Keloid Scars – Interesting Facts

A scar is the result of the body’s natural response to trauma to the skin. There are many types of scars. In this article we will focus on Keloidal Scars (Keloids). A Keloid is an abnormal scar that grows beyond the original site of trauma to the skin. These scars occur when Fibroblasts over produce… Read more »

Types of Scars and Their Treatments

If you have been following our blog entries you know that scars are a natural result of the body’s efforts to heal trauma to the skin. Scars can take many forms depending on several factors such as their cause, the area of the body in which they are located, skin type, etc. In this article… Read more »

Various Scar Revision and Scar Healing Methods

Scars are caused by trauma to the deep thick layer of skin called the Dermis. They are the natural result of the body’s attempt to heal areas of trauma caused by surgery or injury. The more the skin is damaged and the longer it takes to heal, the greater the chance of a noticeable scar…. Read more »

Facial Scars Don’t Have To Be Permanent

Most people who have scars, especially facial scars, would do something to get rid of them if given a realistic opportunity to do so. Not only are these scars unsightly, but they may also be a reminder of an unpleasant event from the past. Unfortunately many people choose to live with their scars because they… Read more »

Keep Your Skin Healthy With Our Big Sale!

We are very excited to announce that our product of the month for July is our Scarfade Scar Gel in the 0.5 oz. size. This is our most popular product in the most popular size. Now through the end of July, we are offering the 0.5 oz. Scarfade for $24.95! In addition, with every online… Read more »

How Scar Tissue Is Formed and How To Heal Scars

The formation of scars is caused by trauma to the skin. Under the area of trauma, healing cells called fibroblasts migrate to the site of the injury. These fibroblasts cover over the damaged area and form collagen, which is the building block of scar tissue. Normally, collagen fibers line up in a parallel fashion, forming… Read more »

A Lesson On Breast Reduction and the Precedure’s Scars

Breast reduction, a procedure to decrease breast size by removing fat and skin from the breasts is one of the top five reconstructive plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States. No, that’s not a misprint, I did say Breast Reduction. Sorry guys. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were approximately 106,179… Read more »

Remove Tummy Tuck Scars Safely and Quickly!

A tummy tuck, or Abdominoplasty, is a procedure to remove excess skin and or fat from the abdominal area. Accoding to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were approximately 148,410 tummytucks performed in 2007. Although this procedure often results in phenomenally positive changes in the appearance of the patient, there is one negative that… Read more »