From applying it every day to using a circular motion to massage it into your skin, there are certain ways to use Scarfade for the best results. Some people may have to use it longer than others, but this will depend on the size and severity of your scar. Here are some best practices when it comes to using Scarfade effectively.
Wound Healing
Before you do anything, make sure the wound is healed properly. Clean the wound, apply an antibiotic ointment and keep it covered with bandages for the first few days.
To apply, add a pea-sized drop of Scarfade gel to your fingertips, then rub it into the affected area gently, using a circular motion. This will break up scar tissue and get rid of any redness that may be present. Apply twice a day, usually best in the morning and then at night before bed.
Use it For a Few Months
For small to medium scars, you will have to use this product for between 12 and 16 weeks. For larger scars, you’ll have to use it for up to a year. Once you no longer notice changes in the fading of your scar, you may stop Scarfade application.
Stay Out of the Sun
While using Scarfade, protect the scar from the sun’s UV rays. You should apply at least SPF 30 to your skin when going outside. It’s also a good idea to wear protective clothing.
Use it on Any Scar
Whether you have a scar that arose from a burn, incision, cut, car accident, sports injury, c-section, or surgery, you can safely use Scarfade. Even kids can use it. Just keep it out of your mouth and eyes.
Things to Know About Scarfade
Check out these facts about Scarfade that you may not have known.
- Silicone is the main ingredient: It works to flatten and fade scars through hydration of the affected tissue. You should consistently be moisturizing, using a bit of vitamin E oil and allantoin as well.
- Scarfade isn’t oily: The micro-membrane in Scarfade offers moisturization without the oily feeling and sticky residue.
- Collagen secretion is reduced: The production of growth factors (FGF, TGF) in dermal regeneration are shifted with Scarfade, which prevents collagen over-secretion while at the same time ensuring regulation of those growth factors. The size and intensity of your scars are therefore reduced.
- Scientific studies: There have been many studies done showing the efficacy of silicone gel when it comes to scar fading. Check them out here.
- Scarfade is for anyone: You may assume Scarfade is just for kids but it’s not. Kids can also use it safely under supervision.
To see the results of Scarfade in the flesh, check out some before and after photos today!