Moles are unusual growths on the skin which are typically raised. Some people prefer to have their moles surgically removed, whether it’s due to a dermatologist’s recommendations or the preference of a complexion without moles. There are several procedures available, although they all involve a high likelihood of scars afterwards. The size, depth and location of the mole affect the type of procedure used to remove it, as well as the prominence of the post removal scarring. You should never try to remove a mole by yourself. It’s best to employ the services of a qualified Dermatologist for the best results.
Mole Removal
Which procedure is used depends on the type of mole, its size and whether it has the potential to be malignant. This can be determined by a dermatologist’s examination. Shaving and excision are two common methods. One newer way to remove moles is through Mohs surgery. While it is a longer surgical procedure, it does focus heavily on minimizing the scarring. This procedure is often used on facial moles, as facial scars are more noticeable and can’t readily be covered up by clothing.
Minimizing Scars
There are several ways to minimize scars after mole removal. They can be done individually, but make more sense to do them in unison. For example, the less pressure applied to the edges of the area, the more quickly and smoothly it will heal. Your doctor may apply steri-strips over the area to help it close with the least amount of tension on the skin possible. Avoid infection by following after-surgery care instructions provided by your surgeon. Once the wound has healed, you can put scar removal products on it to reduce its prominence. Keep the area out of the sun by using an umbrella or a hat. This is especially important if your mole is related to skin cancer.