Relationship Scars: Don’t be Afraid to Bare All

Being in a new romantic relationship can be exciting and exhilarating. It can also be embarrassing for those worried about their weight, imperfections, or even scars. It’s time to embrace your scars without being ashamed in front of your partner. Let’s take a look at why you should feel more confident baring all. Scars Have… Read more »

Get Smooth with Homemade Skin Care Recipes

The dry air of winter can wreak havoc on your skin. If you’re tired of dry, flaky, chapped skin but don’t have the money to spend on expensive creams and lotions at the store, try these homemade skin care recipes. You can easily make these at home for a fraction of the cost, plus many… Read more »

Winter Emergency Kit for Your Home

You likely have a winter emergency kit for your vehicle to help you deal with potential roadside issues, but do you have one for your home? Your kit should go beyond a first aid kit and should include everything you would need to get through a few days or more without power. Following are some… Read more »

Celebrity Scars

  Think celebrities look perfect all the time? Not a chance. Magazine images can easily be edited and TV appearances are carefully crafted to emphasize their best side. Makeup can do a lot to hide scars, but actually fading them requires either a medical procedure or a powerful topical treatment like Scarfade Scar Gel. Perhaps… Read more »

Treating a Wound: What Not to Do

How you care for a wound immediately after it occurs and over the several days that follow can make a significant difference in how well it heals. Proper wound care can help prevent both scarring and infection.  Following are some helpful tips on how NOT to treat a wound. Don’t just “let it go.” This… Read more »

Scar Causing Sports

While there is no “best” sport for getting scars in the traditional sense of the word, there are certain sports that place participants at a higher risk for injury and scars than others. Perhaps your son plays football or your daughter plays soccer. Maybe you participate in an adult hockey league, or maybe you’re even… Read more »

Mom’s Emergency Kit

What you should have in your purse at all times As a mom, you’re ready for any situation. Whether a bandage, a piece of gum, tissue, or a credit card, you’re prepared for any eventuality. Here’s a comprehensive Mom’s Emergency Kit guide to make sure you have all you need. Hopefully, you have a big… Read more »