Healthy skin starts with nutrient-dense super foods that pack a punch when it comes to keeping your body’s outer layer looking its best. According to the Mayo Clinic, that means eating plenty of foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, components that fight damage that free radicals wreak on cells. Your genetics and… Read more »
That’s Bad for Scars!
Scars are bad enough, but to make them worse through improper care is simply counterproductive. Age, skin type, pigmentation and health issues can all affect the severity of scarring. But how you care for a wound also has a major impact. Here is a look at different types of scars and what you should avoid… Read more »
The Best Summer Adventures (That Might Leave a Scar)
If you’ve been yearning for an adrenaline rush that will get your heart racing and blood pumping, this is the list for you. Check out these top five summer adventure activities, and don’t worry about the scar that they may leave: Surfing If you live in a coastal state, like California, summer is the perfect… Read more »
How to Care for Cuts from Your Summer Adventures
Summer is one of the most active times of year—from days at the pool to bike rides and runs, surfing and skydiving, and any number of other adventures. Minor injuries such as scrapes and cuts are often associated with these types of activities. Here are some useful tips for caring for cuts earned from your… Read more »
How Micronutrients Help Fight Scars
In order for a wound to heal, fibrous, connective scar tissue forms around the damaged skin or tissue. The scar tissue works as a protective barrier, preventing any further injury to the region. Scar formation and healing time are dependent on the size, depth and location of the wound, the age of the injured person,… Read more »
How Stitches Help Reduce the Appearance of Scars
We’ve all been there: a careless finger slice while chopping vegetables, a head bonk on a sharp cabinet door, or a freshly sliced hand from broken glass. What begins as an accident often winds up as a painful deliberation session as to whether or not to head to the ER or suck it up and… Read more »
What to Know about Breast Augmentation Scars
If you’ve made the decision to undergo a breast augmentation procedure, you may be wondering about scarring that can result and how to minimize it. Your doctor can go over some possible suggestions to help your scars heal and fade over time, usually through the use of topical creams and diet changes. Let’s take a… Read more »
Plastic Surgery Scars and How Scarfade® Can Help Heal Them
Scarring is one of the body’s natural processes for healing an open wound or cut. They are caused by the growth of new tissue and collagen sealing the wound. How quickly scars heal and disappear depends on many factors such as the size and depth of the incision, the age of the patient, and time…. Read more »
The Story Behind My Scar
We all have scars! But, what makes them unique is how we got our scars. Some people may have fallen off of their tricycle as a child, or jumped into a pool and scraped their leg. Either way, all of the stories behind our scars are unique! We asked our customers to share how they… Read more »
What Do Nutrition and Exercise Have to Do with How Well Scars Heal?
Possibly because most treatments for scars and skin conditions are topical solutions, few realize the value that healthy diet and exercise have in improving skin condition. There are a variety of ways that exercise and proper nutrition can help improve skin health; your skin is affected by the way you treat your body in general,… Read more »