After your tummy tuck, you will be anxious to show off your sleek, slim figure. The only obstacle that you may face is the appearance of your tummy tuck scar. These raised, often long scars can be dark or reddish in color, and may inhibit some of your apparel options and impact your self-esteem. The… Read more »
Treating C-Section Scars

Almost any surgery will result in a scar. In the case of a C-Section, the scar will be large and just below the panty-line in the front. Many new moms want to get back to their pre-baby body, which didn’t have a scar, but this is unfortunately unrealistic. The C-Section scar is going to be… Read more »
Preventing and Treating Body Piercing Scars

Body piercings are becoming increasingly mainstream in society, and they’re leaving their mark. While anyone who chooses to get a tattoo understands that they’re leaving a permanent mark on their skin, many people don’t understand the risk of scarring that body piercings carry. If a piercing is not done professionally and well, if it becomes… Read more »
Surf’s Up: Coping with Reef Wounds

Coral reefs are beautiful, there is no doubt about it! Those beautiful corals draw snorkelers and scuba divers from all over the world for a peek at underwater paradise. While the reefs are pretty to look at, nobody should be touching them. The coral plants themselves are very brittle and easily damaged, and they contain… Read more »
How to Care for and Get Rid of a Frostbite Scar
Frostbite is a condition where the top layer of skin and the tissue directly beneath it freezes due to long-term exposure to extreme cold. The body’s extremities, which include the ears, nose, fingers, toes, arms, and legs, are most at risk for developing frostbite. When tissue freezes, the body loses heat rapidly. This results in… Read more »
Caring for Thyroid Surgery Scars and Helping Them Heal
Thyroid surgery is usually intended to treat thyroid cancer or thyroid nodules. It is also occasionally used to treat hyperthyroidism, although this is relatively rare. The surgery involves removing part or all of the thyroid gland, and it is fairly safe and generally effective. It is still an invasive surgery however, and the one- to… Read more »
Everything You Need to Know about Ear Scars and Otoplasty
Otoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the ears for the purpose of improving a person’s appearance. In some cases it is undertaken to correct a birth defect, while other cases involve correcting the shape, size, or positioning of one or both ears. Occasionally, surgery is also necessary to correct the results of a previous… Read more »
Hypertrophic Burn Scars and How to Heal Better
Burns create a unique type of injury to the skin. Unlike a cut, the edges of the injury are rarely close together. Burns often cover large spaces, which makes them harder to heal. How severe the burn is affects the formation of a scar on the skin. Nerve endings damaged by burns can cause loss… Read more »
Do Chicks Dig Scars?
If you ever saw the movie “The Replacements,” you might have laughed when quarterback Shane Falco, played by Keanu Reeves, tried to rally his football team with words of encouragement. He said, “Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.” That’s more than just a line in a movie. There is scientific evidence that chicks,… Read more »
Scar Management for Broken Bones
Breaking a bone is painful, regardless of the location and type of fracture you’ve suffered. Breaks can sometimes result in skin injuries, whether it’s from an impact or from surgery afterwards. It’s quite common to have a scar form from skin injuries related to broken bones. It’s also possible to minimize the scar and make… Read more »