Hypertrophic Scars: Prevention and Treatment Solutions

When the skin forms a scar, it doesn’t always appear flat and even with the rest of the surface. Some are more prominent in their appearance, like the hypertrophic scar. They are typically red and rise above the surrounding skin’s surface. There is no set reason why some people develop hypertrophic scars and others don’t,… Read more »

How to Lessen Facelift Scars

Most people who undergo facelifts are hoping for an improved appearance after their plastic surgery procedures. They may have wrinkles, jaw line fullness or lines caused by aging that they want to go away.  A facelift requires incisions to allow the surgeon to lift and tighten the skin for a fresher, younger appearance. As with… Read more »

Ear Piercing Scars: Causes and Solutions

When most people get their ears pierced, they plan on having a small hole with flat surrounding tissue that is comfortable and easy to decorate with jewelry. In some cases, a bump develops instead. It’s a scar. These can be caused from placement problems, when jewelry doesn’t fit right and from impact injuries. The earlobe… Read more »

A Closer Look at Keloid Scars

Keloid scars have long been studied by doctors. They are more noticeable than regular scars because they have a bright, puffy and reddish appearance. They also develop beyond the natural borders of the original wound. These scars can cause particular concern for the patient, making them feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Who’s At Risk for Keloids?… Read more »

Summertime Scar Management Tips

Now that it’s summertime, you might be interested in spending more time out in the sunshine and fresh air. Care should be taken to avoid direct sunlight on active scars. The most noticeable effect is hyperpigmentation. This means that the scarred area develops a red or even purple appearance. The coloration doesn’t dissipate easily. The… Read more »

How Massage Affects Scarring

If you’re wondering how to get rid of scars, one method of scar treatment that helps with short-term and long-term effects is the use of massage. Gently massage the tissue around your wound using lotion and a circular motion. Apply a greaseless formula so that your fingers glide across the scarred skin and don’t open… Read more »

Coping With Scars from Sports Injuries

Athletes can sustain a variety of injuries when playing sports. From surgery for torn tendons and broken bones to abrasions and lacerations, the formation of scars from sports injuries can affect even the most confident player’s self esteem. They can also affect flexibility and range of motion once the healing process has begun. Fractures There… Read more »

Creative Ways to Hide and Camouflage Scars

Not everyone likes to wear their scars in the open. Some people feel self-conscious and embarrassed by them. While you can diminish the appearance of scars by using silicone scar gel to fade them, there are some creative solutions to help hide or camouflage old scars or those that seem very prominent. Long Sleeves and… Read more »