No matter what injury you had that led to a scar, there are ways to help fade and heal it over time. From laser treatments and surgery to silicone gel and massage, there are many treatments available to fade anything from acne to burn to surgical scars. Here are some ways you can prevent and treat scars.
The best way to prevent scars is to take good care of the wound when it first happens. There are many things that prevent wounds from healing properly, such as:
- Necrosis – Dead skin and foreign materials hamper the healing process.
- Infection – Open wounds can get bacterial infections, making your body concentrate on fighting the infection rather than healing.
- Hemorrhage – Persistent bleeding keeps the wound from closing up.
- Diet – A poor diet means you’re deficient in healing nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and protein.
- Medical conditions – Anemia, diabetes, and vascular diseases restrict blood flow, which lowers the immune system.
- Age – Wounds in older adults take longer to heal.
- Medicines – Many drugs interfere with the healing process.
- Smoking – Tobacco use hinders the healing process, increasing complication risks.
- Varicose veins – These can lead to repeated ulcerations and skin break-downs.
- Dryness – Wounds won’t heal as well when exposed to the air; moist environments are best.
- Sun: Keep your scar out of the sun; always apply SPF.
- Failure to use Scarfade and massage: The best way to help a scar heal and fade is to apply silicone gel with gentle massage twice a day.
The most common and least-invasive form of scar treatment is a topical gel or ointment. Scarfade, for example, is an easily-accessible, over the counter option that’s safe to use for all ages. Simply massage it on the affected area two times a day, which will lead to noticeable fading in weeks. This is the least expensive option for fading scars.
Mid-range options include:
- Dressings and sheets, placed on healing skin over time to soften and flatten the area; also provides relief from itching and discomfort.
- Steroids, injected into the scar tissue to decrease redness, itching, and burning.
- Pressure treatment, to compress small blood vessels under your scar; this bridges the gap between scar tissue and healthy skin.
Your last resorts, which are more invasive options, include:
- Laser surgery, to reduce the appearance of scars even several years after initial scar formation.
- Skin grafting, which involves placing aportion of healthy skin from one area of the body to the scarred area.
- Cryotherapy, which freezes the scar through the delivery of nitrogen vapor.
It’s best to start off with the least invasive options for mild to moderate cases. Often times, the use of silicone scar gel like Scarfade can be enough to minimize scar appearance.