You already know the benefits of using Scarfade on your burns, scars, cuts and scrapes to prevent further scarring, but what you may not know is how much you’ll need for your type of injury. Check out this handy chart to see just the right amount of Scarfade needed for your unique situation. Usage depends on the individual circumstances. If the chart or this article is unclear in any way or you have additional questions, ask your doctor.
Let’s go over the instructions in more detail.
Scarfade scar treatment cream is a gel that you apply like a cream. Use a massaging motion while applying, which helps to break down the scar tissue over time. Allow the cut or burn to properly heal prior to using Scarfade. When you apply the cream, it will form an invisible thin layer of silicon that will help improve the scar’s appearance. If properly applied, you can wear makeup over the top of Scarfade.
To remove it, simply wash with soap and warm water. You can Scarfade on Keloid and Hypertrophic scars, as well as scars resulting from burns, surgery, accidents etc. In a nutshell, Keloid scars are tough, raised scars that don’t readily subside over time. Hypertrophic scars, while raised, are less invasive and more common, characterized by excessive amounts of collagen.
Reducing the appearance of those angry red scars doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen gradually when you use topical ointments like Scarfade. You should continue using Scarfade for 12 to 16 weeks, depending on the severity and size of the scar. Apply the cream once in the morning and once at night. In fact, it’s a good idea to keep a tube handy in the bathroom to apply after your morning shower, and one on your bedside table to apply before retiring for the night. Areas that you excessively rub, scrub or wash should get additional applications as needed.
Choose the best size for your situation. Remember, just a pea sized drop per application is enough for most scars:
For small scars less than two inches, a 15g tube will last about three months while a 30g tube lasts six months and a 60g tube lasts up to a year.
- For scars between two and four inches, a 15g tube will last between a month to a month and a half, while a 30g tube lasts two to three months and a 60g tube lasts for four to six months.
- For larger scars between four and six inches, a 15g tube will last between two weeks and a month, while a 30g tube lasts one to two months and a 60g tube lasts for two to four months.
If you’re ready to start seeing results, order your Scarfade today! Call us at 800-771-2215